“Do not erase the designs the child make in the soft wax of his early life”
~ Dr. Maria Montessori

Dr. Maria Montessori believed that the goal of early childhood education should not fill the child with facts but rather cultivate the child’s own natural desire to learn.The program is designed for children between the ages of 3-4 years old. Children choose their work independently because of their curiosity and interest. Independence is an integral part of the program. The program involves the introduction to reading, writing, basic math, geography, and science. In keeping true to the Montessori philosophy, the students also participate in daily practical life activities which enhance their coordination and concentration which will engage all their five senses. This holistic approach focuses on the whole child to foster optional growth and development.

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Contact Us
- McKinney, TX. Campus:
- 214 592 0785
- 469 920 5598
- Irving, TX. Campus:
- 214 591 0007
- 214 566 3648